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Introducing the Arteston sofas at the Prague international design festival Designblok
was an amazing adventure and experience. We are proud that we could take part in the largest selection
of design in Central Europe and we would like to thank
all those who came to support us.

In our unique installation invoking the sensation of heavenly peace, we
presented the Fold_it sofa set, which has already received several awards, as well as a new
Form_it sofa,, which was premiered at Designblok.

Design epitomizing comfort

It was amazing to see the sofas with their unique character
drawing audiences and finding new fans. We are happy that the Form_it
sofa was enthusiastically received by professionals – architects and designers,
but also by the younger generation less interested in conventional solutions,
which is the very philsophy behind the Form_it itself.
From the early drafts, designer Michal Riabič was looking for form that would
epitomize comfort. The result is the progressive design of an all-around ergonomic sofa,
naturally suited for use in spaces where furniture cannot be individually customized.
Form_it was designed for business environment, commercial spaces and hotels,
but it will be a defining addition to the homes of furniture connoisseurs.

Once again thanks for every single contact, every feedback and opinion. Thank you for helping us move forward.